Steripharm Solutions LLC ™


FDA Compliance

We help you develop mature quality management systems for sustainable compliance.

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Quality Assurance & Quality Control

We help you overcome business disruptions associated with manufacturing or product quality.

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  • Vision

    Trusted partner of clients
  • Mission

    Help clients achieve business objectives through sustainable compliance
  • Values

    • Transparency
    • Innovation
    • Felexibility
    • Speed
    • Accuracy
    • Ethics
  • Assets

    • Efficiency
    • Knowledge
    • Experience

We Offer Services From New York to New Delhi

Pramod Sharma

Meet Our Founder & President

Pramod Sharma, Ph.D., a senior level industry leader, delivers expertise in the development and manufacture of pharmaceutical Rx and OTC products globally. He is skilled at driving quality strategies, setting up quality systems in new facilities, and optimizing existing systems at drug manufacturing firms and compounding pharmacies

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